Business Servers

Products are not our primary focus. But we do have opinions and if asked to recommend something, this is what we tend to recommend.


For a variety of reasons, we like Gateway equipment. If you are looking for a computer, go to our computer page and follow the links to Gateways best deals. But Gateway is not all we offer. If you are looking for the best buy you can get, let us help you. We frequently review major equipment manufactures, comparing value.

Business Servers

Likewise, for a variety of reasons we like Microsoft's Small Business Server 2003. If you are looking for a server or other business accessories, go to our Business Server page and follow the links to Gateway servers and accessories.


And while there are many packages you can use for your self, if you are going to communicate with the rest of the world, you want to speak a language (or file type) that others can recognize. We like the Microsoft Office Suite. But there are a few other special tools that you may need also.

And yes, we can and will get any of these for you. We can obtain, deliver and install any of these software (or hardware) packages for you. While products are not our major focus, we will get everything you need to maintain your network and meet your business needs. And if we have time, we will make use of our connections to get the best price possible, locally or across the internet, wholesale or retail.

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Last modified: 07/05/09